All bany turtles start their lives alone.Baby sea turtles climb out of their shells on their own.They do not need a mother or father turtles to help them as they are able to take care of themselves.They scramble from their nest under the sand and walk on their tiny new flippers to the water.They tind their way to the sea and look for food such us small fish,snails and insects that they can eat.When it is time for they to lays eggs.These sea turtles will come bwsk to shore.They dig their nesty after sunset and then lay their eggs and cover them with sand.Later,after they have rested,they will return to the sea.Turtles can live in many places and eat a variety of food.Many turtle live in water likes the oceans,ponds,or muddy river bottoms.Some
turtles live in hot desert sands.To protect themselves from the hot sun,desert turtles often find shelter in the ground.Some turtles live in damp woods.They eat insects,leaves,green shoots and barries.They can live for weeks without any food and drinks.This is because they are able to store food in the form of fat in their bodies.Therefore,wherever they live,turtles do not need to hunt for their food all the time.Turtles are founds in various size.The size of the smallest turtles is as small as a child's hand.The letherback turtles on the other hand,is as big as a baby elephant.Turtles are the slowest moving animals on earth.Their life span is much longer than other animals.Turtles have roamed the earth for a very long time but in all these years,their living and eating habits have no changed.
Panduan memandu ketika banjir
Musibah banjir bukan sahaja merosakkan harta benda dan mengganggu kehidupan
seharian malah ia turut meningkatkan risiko kemalangan jalan raya akibat
1 month ago
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